Governance as Leadership Reframing the Work of Nonprofit Boards

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Series: NA
Publisher: NA
Genres: NA
Authors:, ,
Pages:226 pages
Binding: Hardcover

This book is divided conceptually into three parts. This and the next chapter provide a backdrop that sets the stage to view governance as tantamount to leadership. The next four chapters, which constitute the second part, describe the three modes of governance which, taken together, constitute governance as leadership. The first two of these four chapters cast familiar scenery in a new light as we discuss the fiduciary and strategic modes of governing. The next two place the generative mode, a less familiar concept of trusteeship, at center stage. In the final section of the book, we shift from ideas to action, and focus on practical, constructive steps that boards can take, with senior staff, to work effectively in the generative mode and to add greater value to the institutions they govern.


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